The 12 Days of Christmas Sugar Cookies

Over the holidays, my sis had this brilliant (and slightly insane) idea of making the 12 days of Christmas into sugar cookies to give as family gifts to our cousins, aunts and uncles. She labored over each and every design and came up with a creative representation of each day.

She made patterns for each shape out of parchment paper and hand cut with a paring knife each and every cookie. She, my mom and I made 12 batches of 12 days. If I remember my basic multiplication tables correct, that is a total of 144 cookies, folks! We dipped, sprinkled, piped, dabbed, until we though our arms and backs would fall off. I think we enjoyed making them more than the people enjoyed receiving and eating them.

We had quite an assembly line going. It looked somewhere between Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and an explosion at C&H Sugar company.  And I was afraid my puppy was going to go into a sugar coma from all the ‘licks’ at the floor. ha!

I can’t even tell you how many times we sang the song through as we were hand cutting. You just kind of can’t help it. When you see the pics you’ll want to sing it too – just to make sure we got them all and in the right order. 🙂

Here is the fruit – um… sugar of our labor!

We used the Martha Stewart’s Ideal Sugar Cookie Recipe (the best sugar cookie recipe EVER! It’s the only one I’ll use) and her royal icing recipe for the dipping/piping.

And as a random photo for your enjoyment. Here are some mini vanilla/vanilla cupcakes I made for the holidays. My sis gave me some nonpareils for Christmas and I wanted to see how they’d look if I dipped the cupcakes into them and made little rounded tops. They were cute. And tasted good. A little different texture than the standard buttercream swirls my cupcakes usually get. Fun stuff.

4th of July

It’s late to be talking about the 4th of July, I know, but I had some pics archived that I’ve been meaning to post for a long time. So, sorry for the delay, but here they are nonetheless. Maybe we can just consider this very early planning for 2010 celebrations, right? Hope you enjoy the pics and recipes!

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Lime Meringue Cupcakes

My mom turned 60 a few days ago and requested lime meringue cupcakes from me. They were scrumptous! The vanilla cake was dense, just sweet enough, and with a nice warm vanilla flavor. The lime curd was delicious. I absolutely love lime curd anyway, so you won’t find me complaining when the curd is in a cupcake. And last, but not least, the meringue frosting was fabulous. It was a dense meringue – not too airy, but just fluffy enough. And it wasn’t overly sweet.

The best part about this recipe is that the curd used egg yolks, the meringue used the whites and I didn’t have any random whites or yolks leftover leaving me wondering what in the world I was going to do with them! Major kudos to whomever thought up this recipe and figured out how to not waste egg parts!

Speaking of kudos… I got the recipes from “Cupcakes” by Shelly Kaldunksi

A Cupcake CoCupcakes are available at A Cupcake Co.

Cupcake Mania

Today was they day I was planning to make a bunch of cupcakes for a church bake sale tomorrow (and a little for me, of course!). I knew I had nothing planned, so I could dedicate most of the day to the baking. Typical me, I couldn’t decide what kind to make, so I made 3 kinds of cupcakes: Magnolia’s Vanilla with Vanilla Buttercream, Strawberry-Balsamic with Cream Cheese Frosting* and Boston Cream Pie from “Cupcakes!” a cupcake cookbook by Elinor Klivans and France Ruffenach. But because as if that wasn’t enough, I also decided I needed to make ice cream – Roasted Banana Ice Cream from Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz and Lara Hata – a ice cream recipe book I borrowed from my sister. (I haven’t finished ice cream, yet though. I still need to freeze it. I’ll come back later with pics of the ice cream).

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